
Friday, August 19, 2011

U.S. Study: Child Poverty Rate Up 18 Percent

A recently released study that found 1 in 5 children in America live in poverty has Christian advocacy groups urging Congress to not cut financial safety net programs while attempting to reduce the national debt.

The study conducted by the Annie E. Casey Foundation revealed that the official child poverty rate in the United States increased 18 percent between 2000 and 2009, essentially reversing an upward trend from two decades ago.

Organizations such as Sojourners, which is considered the largest network of social justice Christians, want Americans to let Congress know they should not cut programs that benefit the poor such as child care subsidies, food stamps and housing assistance.

Sojourners spokesperson Tim King said the study results showing an economic downward spiral when it comes to children and families for the last decade is very troubling.

“When you look at the report, in the 1990s we were headed in the right direction,” King told The Christian Post. “Child poverty was decreasing by a lot of indicators. We were on a track that worked. Now, since 2000, we are headed in the exact opposite direction. Now we are seeing the consequence of that 18 percent rise.”

King said that the study results should prompt Christians to get into political action. To read more, click here.

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