
Saturday, September 03, 2011

Secular Group Demands Gideons Stop 'Proselytizing' to Children in Public Schools

Most parents would object to adult strangers coming onto their child’s school grounds to give something to their child. But what if that “something” is a Bible?

Freedom from Religion is demanding that the Gideons, probably best known for leaving Bibles in hotel rooms around the country, has sent a letter to the superintendent of DeSoto public schools in Mississippi to demand that the school district stop allowing the Gideons to pass out Bibles in public schools. At the heart of the matter is a debate about how religion is perceived and what constitutes an acceptable expression of speech.

FFRF not only claims that Gideon International is wrongfully targeting children without parental permission, it also accuses the Gideons of being “religious predators,” preying on unsuspecting youth.

The Gideons, however, say they are just passing out a good book to kids. To read more, click here.

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