
Saturday, September 03, 2011

Why 'Saved' and 'Born Again' Must be Preserved

Pastor Tim Stevens from Indiana told The Christian Post that he is bothered by words in the Bible like “saved” and “born again.” He thinks these words get in the way of us reaching unbelievers in our world today. I get it. Lost people don’t use Bible words in their everyday life. But guess what? The Holy Spirit chose these very words to describe people who have been converted by His miracle working power. Spiritual conversion happens instantaneously. It is not a process. It happened in an instant for every believer and it may or may not have involved praying a specific prayer.

We must preserve these very words because they have been given to us in God’s inspired and inerrant text. These words are His words. Jesus said, “You must be born again.” (John 3:7) It is a beautiful thing to describe to an unbeliever how your spirit comes alive when you are born again through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Our Lord knew what he was doing when he used these very words. Being born only one time isn’t enough to get into the kingdom of God. To read more, click here.

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