
Friday, October 28, 2011

Leadership Reading List: We Are All Weird

Full disclosure: I have a rather large man-crush on Seth Godin.

That said, I think that the church could learn a good bit from his new Domino Project book, We Are All Weird. The idea behind the book is that the bell curve that has for years defined our society is fading away, and that the “mass market” is going the way of the dinosaur. No longer is one type of coffee, one style of car, or one widget designed for the mass market enough to work in this nation. Society is organizing into tribes that define themselves by what makes them different (or weird) and in order to reach them, you need to really understand what makes them unique (weird) and “get it”: faking understanding for the sake of sales will do more harm than good to your efforts of knitting into the different communities.

Here is what the book has had me thinking through about the church, and where we are headed.... To read more, click here.

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