
Friday, October 28, 2011

Wiccans Get Tricked and Christians Get Treats

My wife, Tammy, and I have been married for 21 years. When she was a teenager, she was hanging out with some friends one day who were messing around with a Ouija board. The letters began moving without any of the teenagers touching the board. The board spelled out the letters, "K I L L T A M M Y." If you are a Wiccan, you know all about this type of magical power. I sure am thankful that none of those teenagers followed the direction of those spirits that day. Those spirits were trying to entice the teenagers to go deeper into the dark world of the occult.

Halloween is a high holy day for Wiccans. They celebrate a festival of darkness in which they attempt to communicate with the dead. They call upon the "deities" to help them. They believe that the "goddess and god" can help them change their lives. They have direct connections to their deities through their magic.

A former Wiccan who became a Christian said, "One month before I was due to be dedicated into Wicca as a neopagan, a Christian friend gave me a book called 'Witchcraft to Christ.' It is a very powerful testimony of a woman who was Queen of black witches but by the grace of God she became a Christian." Another former Wiccan who is now a Christian wrote, "I didn't know that real Christianity was experiential and that true Christians have a deeply personal relationship with God." To read more, click here.

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