
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Mob of 50 Attack Christian Missionary for Praying Over Sick Child

An Asian missionary supported by Gospel for Asia, a Christian ministry dedicated to sharing the message of Christ, was attacked by a mob of 50 people Thursday for praying over a sick child.

The missionary, Matthew Kishard, who serves as a pastor in a small village, was distributing Bible verses in a neighboring village when a family asked him to come and pray for their sick child, according to the Texas-based evangelical organization.

Kishard’s prayers were interrupted by a mob of people who appeared and began verbally attacking him. The crowd demanded to know why the missionary was trying to convert the village.

When Kishard explained that he was simply praying for a sick child, as was requested by the child's family, the crowd attacked and one man began beating the pastor with his shoes. To read more, click here.

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