
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Small Groups, Big Impact

In late 2010 I had the opportunity to read the final draft of Small Groups, Big Impact by Jim Egli and Dwight Marable. Based on research involving over 3,000 small groups and more than 200 churches in 21 21 countries, the authors looked “at the dynamics that make small groups and small group ministries healthy and growing.”

Interestingly, the book is based on a research project “conducted to answer the question, ‘what are the factors that impact conversion growth through small groups (p. 12).’” The study’s extensive statistical analysis revealed three “distinct growth dynamics,” essential ingredients that must all be present for a group to grow. The study also revealed the “leadership and group characteristics that contributed to small group growth.”

I have to say, I found the premise very interesting. It can be scary, but who doesn’t want a thorough diagnosis? I also found the results to be very helpful in a number of ways. And, the critic in me also found the slimmest opportunity for debate (much like my analysis of the surveys that produced Willow Creek’s Reveal study). More on that later. To read more, click here.

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