
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Simply Teach Life-Changing Truth

What’s Going On?

Do you feel pressured to be entertaining, captivating and fun? We are competing with Youtube, texting, smart phones and iPads, all of which find their ways into church services and Bible studies. They are great tools that can be used in both settings to read Scripture, look up information, and share it on social media sites. It’s all good, right?

Is it all good? Is it good when we feel the need to add more stories and tell more jokes in order to keep people engaged? When did the life changing Word of God stop being enough?

Granted, God wired each of us specifically, with distinct personalities to be used for His glory. Some of us are legitimate story tellers. Some shine at application. Others are funny. Those giftings, under the Holy Spirit’s control, can express truth with incredible impact. Variety itself is a powerful resource. So, thankfully, there isn’t one right way to teach the Bible.

But are we actually teaching the Bible or are we tickling ears so they’ll come back? Do we hope they leave laughing, having had a good time? Or do we pray they leave changed, having encountered Truth? To read more, click here.

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