
Friday, November 18, 2011

Christian universities & the Great Commission

As I write this article, I think back to my undergraduate studies at the University of the Cumberlands in Williamsburg, Ky. I knew then that God had called me to preach (in fact, I was already pastoring a church in Ohio), and I was fairly certain I would continue my studies in seminary. Nevertheless, I chose to major in English education, with a minor in religion. Now, some 25-plus years later, I wonder if I would follow the same course.

Were I making this decision again, I would choose one of two options: 1) follow the same approach with a major in education and a minor in religion (or Christian Studies, etc.), or, 2) complete a double major in Christian Studies and some other practical area of training. That is, in my case, I might have majored in Christian Studies and English education. I likely would have chosen the latter and then sought an accelerated graduate theological degree at a university or seminary.

With either option, you will note that I am arguing for the value of earning a degree that prepares a student to do something other than church work while still providing basic theological training. Here's why this approach is so appealing to me: I believe it may be the best approach to prepare believers to do the Great Commission in the 21st century. To read more, click here.

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