
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Study: Pakistani textbooks have religious bias

Pakistan is teaching its children religious intolerance, which has led to acts of discrimination and sometimes violence against minorities, according to a recent study.

School textbooks contain offensive comments about Christians and Hindus, according to the report.

"Textbooks generally emphasize the fundamental Islamic identity of Pakistan and the need for unity within the Muslim community," the executive summary of the report said. "The defense of Pakistan is equated with the defense of Islam."

The report, "Connecting the Dots: Education and Religious Discrimination in Pakistan," was funded by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) and conducted by the International Center for Religion and Diplomacy. Teachers and students from 37 public schools and 19 madrassas, or religious schools, were interviewed about their views concerning religious minorities in Pakistan during the year-long study. More than 100 textbooks from grades one through 10 were analyzed as well.

Some of the key findings outlined in a USCIRF news release we.... To read more, click here.

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