
Friday, November 18, 2011

Defeating the Occult: Confronting Demon Possession, Hauntings (Part 2)

A multipart series on facing – and defeating – the forces of evil through Christ

It was the week before Halloween, 1988. Bill Scott was an announcer working at a major Christian radio broadcaster when he received a call from someone claiming that a coven of Satanist witches was after her.

Scott initially thought it was a prank, but the events of that morning would lead him into a dark world of demon possession, hauntings at his home, and witchcraft.

So begins the book The Day Satan Called, released in October, which is a written account of these events by Scott.

“I was very fearful to write the book,” said Scott in an interview with The Christian Post, admitting how unbelievable his experiences were.

“Now that the book is out I am amazed at how many people believe what I have shared and even have shared their own experiences. It's like the book has given them permission to tell their story as well.”

The caller that fateful day was a 30-something woman known as Roxanne, who claimed to be a high priestess for a violent witch coven. She was the one making the calls to the station and it was she who seemed to bring this great evil wherever she went. Upon her visit to the radio station, it became apparent to those at the station that she was possessed. To read more, click here.

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