
Friday, November 18, 2011

Who ARE The People I Should Listen To (8 Qualities To Look For!)

If you are in leadership (and especially if you are in church leadership) then you have probably discovered the reality that God loves you…and everyone else has an incredible plan for your life!

One of the struggles that a leader MUST wrestle with is who to listen to when it comes to making decisions. The Bible tells us that we should not lead alone (Proverbs 15:22) and the Bible has several stories of people who made bad decisions because they listened to the wrong people (see I Kings 12:1-16.)

However, in today’s society it is IMPOSSIBLE to listen to everyone…with the barrage of information and opinions coming our way via Facebook, email, twitter and other avenues a leader who tries to focus on the opinions of everyone will simply lose his mind and most likely his leadership position if his obsession becomes making everyone happy.

So…who do we listen to? Who is it that should ALWAYS have access to us…and we should ALWAYS desire their thoughts and ideas…here are EIGHT things…I should always listen to… To read more, click here.

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