
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Bible Translation in PNG

"Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith." Hebrews 10:22

Luke 15 tells us that God delights in going after the one lost sheep. In many respects the Pinai-Hagahai of Papua New Guinea are like the one lost sheep. They are a small, very isolated people group of only 1,000; and although they border two of the largest groups in Papua New Guinea, they remained undiscovered by the outside world until the 1950’s.

But God was seeking them all along. Years before the Bible translation team arrived in the language area, He sent evangelists from a neighboring group who started small churches in various villages. Over time some of the people became Christians.

In May 2008, those Pinai-Hagahai believers received four Gospels and the book of Acts, printed in their own language. Because of the high illiteracy rate among the people, the translation team also made use of a new technology that had just become known in Papua New Guinea: a small, portable, solar-powered player called ‘MegaVoice’ used for audio recordings.

Within two years 300 players had been distributed in local villages. The testimonies of the people continue to show God at work—a revival among the Pinai-Hagahai.

An older man, named Kandama, said, “I used it often…When the pastors speak in Tok Pisin or Enga, I did not believe. Now I’ve heard it in my own language and I believed.”

A young married man, named Kodap, said, “I didn’t go to church. I never had a MegaVoice player. I listened to one of others. I listened to it, and last month, I got converted… I remember that Jesus is the Word of God.”

A young mother, named Sagalia, said, “I heard Matthew 7:7 about asking and receiving, seeking and finding. My faith went to this verse. It’s my memory verse. Now when I have a problem, I pray.”-used with permission, Wycliffe Bible Translators

The above story is just one example of the impact of Bible Translation in PNG and one of the methods that they use.

See below for more information about how you can be a part of bringing the Gospel to so many more people in PNG.

How YOU can help...

It's stories like the one on the front that make me so excited to be a part of the ministry of Wycliffe. The Pinai-Hagahai are one of the over 800 languages in PNG that have been started, however there are still about 300 languages that are still waiting for a single verse to be started, which means there is still so much work to be done.

As you may remember from my last newsletter, I am getting closer to going to Papua New Guinea. I have been blessed through one time gifts and also I have had some
wonderful people who are pledging gifts on a monthly basis.

Currently my overall goal is at 10% and it is increasing each month. This is great!

However, Wycliffe would like me to be at 50% by now and 100% by the time I go to school in June.

You might be asking: “So Elizabeth what can I do to help you to be able to get to PNG?”

Here is how: I am looking for individuals or churches that would be willing to partner financially on a monthly or ongoing basis. You can start giving now or you can wait to start giving until I leave in August. Either way, it is important that I know now what you are able to give so that I can let Wycliffe know who I can count on. Any amount you are able to give is a huge blessing. You can go to the link on the right to be able to set up a monthly gift.

As Christians, all of us are called to minister - some to go and some to send. If you feel called to send, will you consider sending me? I will be contacting some of you to see if this would be something you would consider being a part of.

Wycliffe's Vision: That God's Word is accessible to all people in a language that speaks to their heart.

Wycliffe's Mission: To see a Bible translation program in progress in every language still needing one by 2025.

Join Me:

Partner Online:

Mail: Please make checks payable to: Wycliffe Bible Translators

Include a separate note that states, “For the ministry of Elizabeth Lord, Account#279700”

Send to:
Wycliffe Bible Translators
P.O. Box 628200
Orlando, FL 32862

Contact Me:
Elizabeth Lord
P.O. Box 848 * Murray, KY 42071
Phone * 605.521.5828
Email *
Blog *

 New monthly partners and one-time gifts!!
 Starting the Visa process!
 For the work already being done in PNG!!

 For changes happening in the government of Papua New Guinea.
 For information packets being sent out to churches, that they will consider becoming partners.
 New monthly financial partners.

Give the Word!

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