
Wednesday, February 08, 2012

CAPA Communique is a challenge to unlock its potential

The Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa has challenged itself to harness untapped resources and strengthen intra-continental relationships to benefit God's mission.

In a Communiqué issued at the end of the 11th CAPA Council meeting in Burundi, the regional body stated that: "We are convinced that working together in mutual trust and love strengthens our capacity to bring in a transformative energy that will unlock our potential from which hope and new possibilities will emerge.

"We explored various mechanisms for mutual strengthening and collaboration in intra-continental partnerships in pursuit of our calling in Christ under the theme, ‘Harnessing our unity to unlock our potential and secure our future.’"

It went on: "In fulfilling the objectives of our strategic plan namely the promotion of compassionate and accountable leadership; community health, HIV and AIDS; healing, forgiveness and renewal for just and peaceful societies; stewardship of resources, advancing critical theological reflection and action; and advocacy, we recognise the vast untapped resources within the continent. We challenge ourselves to explore mechanisms for optimally harnessing these various categories of resources for mission at different levels." Keep reading.

Related articles:
The final day of the 11th CAPA Council Meeting
African Anglicans appeal for harmony, understanding between Muslims and Christians

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