
Tuesday, March 06, 2012

PEARUSA Update from Bishop Terrell Glenn: March 3, 2012

On behalf of Archbishop Rwaje, I am writing to communicate to you his greetings and his continued love and support as you labor faithfully in service to our Lord Jesus Christ and His Church. I am also writing to give you an update on the work of the short-term team that our Archbishop appointed at the end of the Sacred Assembly in Raleigh, NC a little over a month ago. By way of reminder, our Archbishop commissioned a Steering Team to serve the clergy and congregations in North America that desire to remain canonically resident in and under the spiritual oversight of the Anglican Province of Rwanda (PEAR) We were given two tasks: to lead a Pastoral Initiative to care for and communicate with clergy and churches and to establish a Task Force to explore and make recommendations for any future jurisdictions for North American clergy and churches seated in Rwanda. Keep reading

March 2, 2012 Update from PEARUSA website

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