
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Andrew Sullivan Says Forget the Church. That's Like Saying Forget Grace.

Why Christianity is a many splendored thing

I recall with some embarrassment a conversation I had when I was a junior in college, as a young man full of anger at the church and brimming with idealism about the future. I was speaking with a friend who happened to think the institutional church was a pretty good idea, and that hymns in particular (the specific topic of conversation that day) were a rich source for theology and worship. I argued that they were too complex for the modern era, a perfect symbol of bygone and boring ways of doing church. Like the new music that broke out of what I thought was a stifling pattern of verses and rhyme, so the church of the future would free itself from the rigidity of bureaucracy and outmoded theology.

We say lots of silly things when we are immature, but the sentiments that drive the passions of youth often hang on stubbornly. Today, I favor hymns over contemporary music precisely because of their complexity and richness. But my favorite hymns still move in the direction of simplicity, like "What Wondrous Love Is," and "They Cast Their Nets in Galilee."

I have also come to appreciate, begrudgingly, the institutional church. But like most people, most weeks, the church remains a source of frustration and confusion for me. I do wish Jesus had thought of a better way to organize his followers.

Daily Beast uber-blogger Andrew Sullivan has written a cover story for Newsweek that expresses almost perfectly today's religious zeitgeist. As the title inside puts it, "Christianity in Crisis: Christianity has been destroyed by politics, priests, and get-rich evangelists." Who of us upon reading that would not say, "Exactly!"? And then the subtitle adds this: "Ignore them." To which I want to respond, "I wish!" And the cover copy expresses what many of us want to do: "Forget the church. Follow Jesus."

Sullivan's piece is an angry screed, full of overstatement, misstatement, and just plain misunderstanding. But that's the nature of screeds and what makes them fun to read. Especially when they tap into our own frustrations. In particular, Sullivan pines for a Christianity that would shake off the shackles of partisan politics and abstract theology, and most of all, one that would shed all vestiges of the institutional church and instead give itself to living the "simple ethics of Jesus." In fact, the whole essay is a yearning for simplicity—the word simple or one of its forms appears 21 times in the essay. In this complex and mystifying age, who doesn't yearn for simplicity? Read more

1 comment:

  1. The simplicity that Andrew Sullivan screams for is nothing more that cliche Christianity. A Christianity that has nothing to do with the righteousness established in the Law. A feel good Christianity with no one lost, no unforgiven sin, and a God who loves everybody. This way he can continue living a carnal nature happily forgetting that he needs a transformation in life to live a new life of righteousness as taught by the Law and the Prophet. Naturally he has no desire for any theological depth. Maybe he is a good candidate for professor of morality in an Episcopal seminary.
