
Thursday, April 12, 2012

False Conversions Are the Suicide of the Church, Pastor Warns

False conversions are a serious problem that could lead not only to the "suicide of the church" but also to the defaming of God's name, an evangelical pastor warned.

Mark Dever, senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C., told some 8,000 ministers Tuesday at the Together for the Gospel conference that he fears there are thousands, if not millions, of people in churches who are not truly converted.

"My fellow pastors, could it be that many of our hearers each week aren't saved, even many of our members?"

The problem isn't just the "occasional hypocrite lost in unrepentant sin," but "systems that seem to produce false converts – not just one man, but whole congregations," he lamented.

While some may brush off the problem as inevitable and one that pastors should not worry too much over, Dever sought to underscore how false conversions could dim the light of the church.

More importantly, "false conversions obscure God's plan" – which he described as God doing all things for the glory of His name. Read more

Related video: The Church is the Gospel Made Visible - Mark Deever

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