
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Inside Church Planting: Poor, Struggling, but Sold Out on the Vision (Part 2)

As the campus pastor of a church plant, I have heard funny, sad and inspiring stories about what it is like to be a part of a new church in its earliest stages of life. It can be a painful process at times, and church planters often work long hours for little pay in order to see the vision that God has given them fulfilled. Sometimes, it seems, vision is all they have, but in the tough times it can also be enough to get them by.

When I called church planter Bill Craig to interview him for this article, he was parked by the side of a busy Florida road with a banner advertising his new church plant attached to the side of his SUV.

"This is what you're willing to do when you're a church planter," he told me while laughing. His new church, Kaleomark Church, launched just one month ago and is the third church plant he has started and the fourth he's worked with in his 20-year career. Read more

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