
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

JI Packer Talks Mortification: How to Put Sin to Death

Renowned theologian J. I. Packer recently elaborated his views on how to put sin to death, saying that the first thing a Christian should do is ask God to "enable me to see the sin as He sees it."

And the way God sees sin, he explained, is as the "spiritual equivalent of dirt in places where cleanliness ought to be" and as "something very ugly."

"If the Father and the Son in mercy show me their love to me and draw out of me grateful love to them, if at the same time the Spirit makes me aware that my sinful habits are what they are and that each ... of them anathema to God, God wants to see the last of it, and through the power of the Holy Spirit He can actually bring that to pass," the 85-year-old Canadian author stated in a video featured on Desiring God ministry's website. Read more

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