
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thom Rainer: Seven Questions to Help Leaders Avoid Committing Sins of Omission

I confess. I shouldn't have this nagging fear, but I do. I am sometimes haunted by the possibility that I failed to make a critical decision as a leader, and I missed the opportunity to make a difference in this world.

It's easy sometimes not to make a decision, to let the perceived status quo become our daily agenda. Instead of becoming a leader who is a change agent, we become managers who carry out routine tasks.

Frankly, I don't want to live my life in the world of "what if?" I don't want to look back on this brief time God has given us, and realize that I failed to act or to make key decisions. I don't want to be guilty of one of the most damaging types of sins, the sins of omission.

So how can we leaders make certain we are not seeking the comfort of sameness and committing sins of omission? What checks can we have to remind us that we must ever be vigilant lest we fail as a leader who acts and takes risks? I suggest we constantly ask ourselves these seven questions. Read more

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