
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Look What He Found in Grandpa's Attic

Karl Kissner was digging around recently in his grandfather's attic when surprise, surprise.....Karl came across a cardboard box of old baseball cards. I mean really old 100 years old. Experts say the cards could be worth up to $3 million. Not bad for a trip into grandpa's attic.

The money from the cards will be divided evenly among the 20 cousins named in their aunt's will. Sounds like a awfully good payday for those who happen to be cousins. Just sit back and collect your inheritance....pretty easy gig if you ask me.

Now imagine this scenario instead. Imagine Karl Kissner finding a personal journal in the attic written by his in which his grandpa describes his spiritual journey all the way from skeptic to believer. Imagine his grandpa leaving the family a manual of sorts which describes how each relative can receive a far greater inheritance than earthly wealth....and one that will never wear out or lose its value.

Imagine each of those 20 cousins all placing their faith for heaven in the work that Jesus finished for them on the cross. Rather than money from old baseball cards, imagine each cousin being born again by the power of the Holy Spirit....and thereby given an inheritance which literally lasts forever. Which is from baseball cards, or eternal life in a perfect place? Hmm. That's a tough one. Read more

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