
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Christian copy-cat

We are rightly convinced that people grow in maturity by two means: the work of God by His Spirit and through the teaching of right doctrine. You should not expect lasting change without teaching right doctrine. The Bible continually reminds us that life and doctrine are intertwined.

But we often forget the impact of modeling. The apostle Paul implores the Corinthians to imitate him as he imitates Christ. To the Philippians he demands that what they have heard and seen in him they put into practice. And of course there are the many warnings against copying immorality.

Human beings regularly modify their behavior by copying those around them. I am sure that is one of the reasons for, and benefits of, being in fellowship with each other. It is therefore so important that we be aware that our actions have an important impact on others. Read more

Credit: Photo by Ray Welch

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