
Saturday, September 29, 2012

ACNA Archbishop addresses gathering of Anglicans from Kentucky, Ohio, and West Virginia

It had been a stormy day but the sun broke through the gloom on Tuesday, Sept. 25, when the Most Rev. Robert Duncan spoke to about 200 Anglicans at St. Andrew's Anglican Church in Versailles, Ky. The archbishop's visit brought encouragement to those who had gathered from three states and 11 congregations.

St. Andrew's rector, the Rev. David Brannen, introduced Archbishop Duncan as "our fearless leader" and spoke about His Grace's personal courage in the face of challenges and hardships.

Brannen came to Kentucky from the Episcopal Diocese of Pittsburgh where then Bishop Duncan had ordained him to the deaconate in 1996. Speaking on Tuesday evening, Brannen recalled one particularly significant moment with his former bishop. Read more
Dave Brennan's reference to "our fearless leader" evoked the mental image of Pottsylvania's Fearless Leader of the TV series The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show and the movie The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

In addition to speaking at Asbury Seminary did Archbishop Duncan meet with the clergy and lay members of these eleven congregations to promote the formation of a new ACNA diocese? The article does not touch on this subject.

I could not help but wonder at Duncan's comment,"Anglicanism is becoming less British, less Anglo, more global and MORE AUTHENTIC." Is Duncan implying that the seventeen century, eighteenth century, nineteenth century, and twentieth century Anglican chaplains and missionaries who proclaimed the gospel in Africa, the Americas, Australia, and Asia were not genuinely Anglican? I doubt that he explained what he meant. It is typical of Duncan to pepper his addresses and sermons with trendy buzz words. "Authentic" is one of them.

Such remarks remind me of Duncan's rejection of the Elizabethan Settlement that shaped historic Anglicanism and his call for a new settlement.

1 comment:

  1. This whole thing is like a a half-hearted cult.
