
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Viewpoint: Barring 'Innocence' Would Be Barring Freedom

The "Innocence of Muslims" trailer that has sparked deadly protests overseas is crass, intentionally offensive, and grossly inappropriate. That much is clear.

As crude as the video may be, however, Google did the right thing in not removing it from YouTube because its content is not, in itself, what the law would call an "incitement to violence." Its message did not urge others to participate in violent conduct, but was used by a violent and irresponsible faction as an excuse for more violence.

Furthermore, new media giants like Google, Facebook or Apple should not censor content on their platforms because of pressure from the government, or because of groups that might be offended by controversial yet lawful viewpoints.

A free marketplace of ideas will always serve a free republic best. It should alarm us all when new media giants like Google and Facebook begin tolean in a direction and have the kind of influence where they will have an adverse impact in the free marketplace of ideas. Read more

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