
Monday, September 17, 2012

Are You Overexposed and Underdeveloped? 5 Questions to Ask

I once heard Howard Hendrix say that a lot of people’s lives are like poor photographs: over-exposed and underdeveloped. I think that’s true of pastors, too. Many of us are overexposed. We know many people and spread ourselves very thin relationally, but our private lives are underdeveloped.

We need to balance our lives if we want to stay in ministry for the long haul. Why? Read more

1 comment:

  1. Dear Brother Robin,

    Just came across your blog. Isn't it amazing the path God takes us through? You've had such a rich saturation in what might have been a wonderful church culture. I might say, "What a shame; what a waste this Anglicanism has become." But it sounds like you've found what a Joy He is to touch us with the fringes of heaven while still here. Even though most of Anglicanism stinks now, you got a chance to live a bit of what heaven ill be like. Thank you for your blog, which for me details out the gold and dross.
