
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What’s in a name?

Knowing someone’s name is very important in relationships. We have all experienced forgetting a name we should recall, and the dampening effect that has on a relationship. To withhold your name from another is a clear statement of distance. Knowing another’s name draws you closer in relationships, and not knowing it reinforces the gulf between people. Read more
At the Journey only two groups wear name tags--the ministry team members who have the most contact with guests (Children's Ministry, Guest Services) and the children who are participating in one of the Children's Ministry groups. We have not found it practical or desirable to furnish everyone with a name tag on Sunday morning. Some guests will wear them. Others prefer anonimity. Our mission is to be a church that unchurched people love to attend. We do have special events at which everyone is asked to wear a name tag. Among  the purposes of these special events is for those present to get to know each other better . 

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