Saturday, September 01, 2012

R. C. Sprouls: How Should Protestants Relate to Roman Catholics?

I have written in strong terms in Are We Together? because I believe the errors of the Roman Catholic Church are deep and significant. I am happy to make common cause with Roman Catholics on social issues, but we have no common cause in the gospel. Rome has compromised the gospel with her unbiblical doctrines. I firmly believe that she is “teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt. 15:9).

How then should we proceed? How should we relate to Roman Catholics? Read more

Read also:
Fueling Reformation
The Many Shades of Calvinism
We’re One, but We’re Not the Same


The Rev Canon Dr David Wilson said...

I agree with R.C. 100%

Robin G. Jordan said...


Help me out here. Are you saying you agree with R. C. Sprouls 100% or with R. C., Roman Catholicism 100%?

The Rev Canon Dr David Wilson said...

Gotta go with Dr Sproul all the way