
Thursday, October 04, 2012

Coptic Children Released After Initial Arrest For 'Insulting Islam'

Two boys, ages 9 and 10, were released pending investigation and questioning but not acquitted

In the wake of the high-profile case of Rimsha Masih, a 14-year-old Pakistani Christian girl arrested for allegedly blaspheming the Qur'an, two Coptic Christian boys face similar accusations in Egypt this week.

Nabil Nagy Rizk, 10, and Mina Nady Farag, 9, were arrested Wednesday for insulting Islam, but the attorney general ordered both boys to be released the next day "due to their young age." Both families agreed to return to court for questioning, but the boys previously had been placed in a juvenile detention center to await their hearing on Sunday.

Ibrahim Mohamed Ali, the village imam, accused the children of tearing up pages of the Qur'an. Other reports say the boys also urinated on the pages, but the police chief said no one witnessed this incident. Read more

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