
Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Lessons on Interfaith Evangelism (Part Two)

Last week, I shared some tips for interfaith evangelism from my book The Unexpected Journey. This week I conclude the list of lessons Nellie Jo and I learned from our conversations with those who had journeyed from other gods to faith in Christ.

Encourage Them to Study the Bible Openly. The Bible is God's Word. It will stand the test of any objections or doubt. God works to convict and convince through His Word. If a person of another faith system is so certain about his or her own beliefs, he or she should not fear studying what Christians believe with an open mind.

Churches Must Be Prepared for a Pluralistic World. We heard from more than one respondent that they had attended church for several weeks without hearing a gospel message. This is an all-too-frequent occurrence in churches and a travesty. Pastors and church leaders: please realize that each week you have attendees in your congregation who are spiritually dead. The gospel is their only hope. Read more

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