
Monday, November 12, 2012

Archbishop Nicholas Okoh: Christianity as threatened by liberalised doctrine as by Islamic violence

Christianity is an “endangered species” in Africa, pressed between violence from Islamist terrorism on one side and doctrinal and moral “disunity” among Christians on the other, a leading Nigerian Anglican bishop has said.

The Most Rev. Nicholas Okoh, the Anglican Primate of Nigeria’s 18 million Anglican Christians, warned the other African nations that doctrinal relativism, which he called “nominalism,” and the “doctrine of prosperity” – the idea that God rewards the morally upright with material wealth - are creating as serious a threat to the continuance of Christianity as Islamic violence on the continent.

Okoh was speaking at the 2012 Divine Commonwealth Conference in Abuja, on the theme: “Contending For The Faith.” He said that for Christianity to survive in Africa, all Christians everywhere must adhere to a common Christian faith in line with the Bible. Read more


  1. Anonymous3:25 PM

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  2. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Let's hope our African brethren can turn their desire for Biblical Orthodoxy to counteract the problems evident in much grassroots Christianity in Africa - e.g. corruption, marital infidelity, habitual lying...

    But no, it seems to be 'easy' morality that seems to come to the fore - homosexuality, a moral issue they can witter on about without too much challenge to the very real moral failures that are casually overlooked in the eagerness to find scapegoats.
