
Monday, November 12, 2012

'Twilight Breaking Dawn' Leading Teens to Bloodletting, Vampire Covens?

"The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2," which opens in theaters on Friday, is the last chapter of the popular "Twilight" movie series, but a Christian producer and author has warned that it is just the beginning when it comes to leading teenagers into occult practices.

Steven Wohlberg, who is the speaker/director of White Horse Media and hosts "His Voice Today" on The Walk TV, shared in a phone interview with The Christian Post that he has noticed a disturbing trend forming among teenagers who have become obsessed with the "Twilight" movies – they are turning to real occult groups and even participating in bloodletting practices.

The "Twilight" films have been growing in popularity since the first movie's release in 2008, but the last film, as the official trailer reveals, features heroine "Bella" Swan turning into a vampire herself and stating joyfully, "My days as a human are over. I've never felt more alive. I was born to be a vampire!"

Wohlberg warns that such lines "will only increase the trend of kids and teens going online, finding real vampire websites, and diving headlong into occult darkness." Read more

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