
Thursday, November 08, 2012

Ed Stetzer: What should Christians do now?

The presidential election is over, and I am sure many, like the little girl who cried "no more Bronco Bamma or Mitt Romney," are breathing a sigh of relief that the season of contention and the barrage of political ads are over for now. Still, we are left to move on as we begin a second term for the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama, and it is time for us to consider what that means from this point forward.

Once the election was "called," I prayed for the president again. I asked God to guide him and give him wisdom as I will continue to do for the next four years.

I don't endorse specific candidates publicly. I also gave both campaigns the opportunity to answer questions on my blog so that we could be well informed as we went into the voting booths. However, it is no secret that the candidate who was supported by 57 percent of Protestant pastors did not prevail. Furthermore, it is no secret that most evangelicals did not support President Obama. So, there is a lot of disappointment among many Christians.

It is appropriate, then, for us to ask the question, "What now?" Well, here are some observations and suggestions.... Read more

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