
Thursday, November 08, 2012

Regular churchgoers preferred Romney, poll finds


Exit polling following the US presidential election has found that regular churchgoers voted for defeated Republican challenger Mitt Romney by wide margins.

According to one exit poll released through CNN, 42 per cent of Protestant Christians voted for Barack Obama and 57 per cent for Romney. Among the nation's Catholics, half voted for Obama and 48 per cent for Romney.

The poll found that those who attended church regularly were more likely to vote for Romney than for Obama.

Among those who identified themselves as Protestant or Catholic but said they "never" attended religious services, 62 per cent voted for Obama and 34 per cent for Romney.

Just over half (55 per cent) of those who said they attend "occasionally" voted for Obama, and 43 per cent for Romney.

However, among those who said they attend church "weekly", 39 per cent voted for Obama but 59 per cent voted for Romney. Read more

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