
Monday, November 12, 2012

Moralism vs. Jesus-Centered Preaching

A number of years ago, Kim and I were having dinner with Tim and Kathy Keller and Kathy said, "Most preaching these days is M.O.T.S. preaching." Kim said, "What's M.O.T.S. preaching?" Tim answered, "Moral of the Story preaching." To read and preach the Bible as if it were fundamentally about us and what we should do is to miss the point of the Bible entirely.

Tim explains the difference between a moralistic reading of the Bible and a Jesus-Centered reading of the Bible:

We have said that you must preach the gospel every week-to edify and grow Christians and to convert non-Christians. But if that is the case, you cannot simply 'instruct in Biblical principles.' You have to 'get to Jesus' every week. Read more

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