
Monday, December 17, 2012

Community Through the Word

It's important to read the Bible together.

I once threw a "What I Like About You" surprise party for my husband, Jon. I contacted his friends, colleagues, and church community, asking them to send me short phrases that describe what they like about Jon. I printed out these words and phrases on colored paper and used them as the decorations for his party. It was so much fun to see what other people wrote about him. Most of them were the kinds of things you would expect: "thoughtful," "wise," "generous," "steady," "loves his family" and so on. But there were also some odd ones: "throws a great hammer"; "deadly accuracy with a Frisbee"; and my favorite, "heart of gold, feet of lead."

The last group came from my husband's Ultimate Frisbee team. A random assortment of graduate students, professors, and others have been playing together for almost 20 years, and Jon has been a central member of the team for the last eighteen. Week in and week out, whether in the heat of a humid Iowa July or the icy cold of January, they spend part of their Saturday afternoon together running, throwing, and catching a plastic disc.

As with any sports team or musical group, the love of the game brought them together, and the experience of playing together has created friendships. They have inside jokes, nicknames, and shared history. Jon is teased about his speed (thus the "feet of lead" comment) but admired for his skill in throwing. Many of the folks who play on Saturday have played together so much that they can anticipate each other's moves, completing elaborate plays with very little communication.

Without this group, Jon wouldn't be able to enjoy the game he loves. Playing Frisbee by yourself just doesn't work.

God wired us for community. It has often been noted that in well functioning teams the sum is greater than the parts. The apostle Paul would definitely agree, as seen in his use of the image of a body to describe the church. A Christian leader I respect puts it this way: "We're better together." Life lived or tasks accomplished in community are both more enjoyable and more effective.

Though I am a strong advocate for regular personal Bible reading and study, I am convinced that every believer needs to regularly study the Bible with others. Let's discuss one of the reasons communal Bible study is essential to the health of the body of Christ. Read more

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