
Monday, December 17, 2012

Viewpoint: The Decline of Evangelical America

IT hasn’t been a good year for evangelicals. I should know. I’m one of them.

In 2012 we witnessed a collapse in American evangelicalism. The old religious right largely failed to affect the Republican primaries, much less the presidential election. Last month, Americans voted in favor of same-sex marriage in four states, while Florida voters rejected an amendment to restrict abortion.

Much has been said about conservative Christians and their need to retool politically. But that is a smaller story, riding on the back of a larger reality: Evangelicalism as we knew it in the 20th century is disintegrating. Read more

Read also:
Why Helping the Poor Is Not Enough
How Many Evangelicals Are There?

1 comment:

  1. Counterculture-ized, Judaized and ecuminical-ized with Catholicism; that is what ails. I am not a Evangelical; i am a Protestant. I would of commented on the article; but there was no provision for comments there.
