
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Court ruling makes Christian employees 'second class'

The European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) is "deeply concerned" by court rulings today on four cases involving the religious freedoms of Christians in the UK.

The European Court for Human Rights found that British Airways check-in worker Nadia Eweida had been discriminated against by her employers after being prevented from wearing the cross.

However, three other Christians lost their legal challenges, including nurse Shirley Chaplin, who was removed from ward duties for refusing to take off a cross necklace she had worn to work for 30 years. Read more

Read also
Christian airline worker wins right to wear cross
Gay marriage warning after court rulings on Christian freedoms
Religious beliefs need 'common sense' protection
Fired British Christians Lose 3 of 4 Cases in Landmark Human Rights Ruling

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