
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Evangelical Alliance responds to Steve Chalke

Photo: Martin Godwin
The general director of the Evangelical Alliance, Steve Clifford, believes Steve Chalke is wrong to conclude that the Bible endorses same-sex relationships.

Steve Chalke is a friend of mine. We go back many years. I am convinced that when the history of the Church in the UK is written, Steve's contribution over the last 25 years will be recognised as profoundly significant. So with this as a backdrop I am writing my response to Steve's article in Christianity magazine. While I understand and respect Steve's pastoral motivations, I believe the conclusions he has come to on same-sex relationships are wrong.

It is with both sadness and disappointment that I reflect on how Steve has not only distanced himself from the vast majority of the evangelical community here in the UK, but indeed from the Church across the world and 2,000 years of biblical interpretation. Read more

Read also
Steve Chalke drops opposition to homosexuality


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Appalled. Steve Chalke has done a lot of good with his anti-trafficking but his stance on homosexuality is entirely unbiblical.
