
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

The 'Queen James Bible' does nothing but confuse & enslave

In 1631, something scandalous happened: Someone printed a Bible, soon called "The Wicked Bible," that translated the seventh commandment of Exodus 20:14 as "Thou shalt commit adultery." One can imagine the scandal this caused in 17th-century England. It resulted in huge fines, mortified archbishops, and whispered conversations. The loss of just one word from a careful biblical translation caused a national uproar.

The corruption of the biblical text continues apace in our day, albeit on a far more drastic scale. Recently, a group of homosexual activists released the "Queen James Bible," a version of Scripture that is "gay-friendly." The translation philosophy is muddled in thought but clear in intent: As the editors plainly state, "We edited the Bible to prevent homophobic interpretations." This is not an objective project; it is an exercise in theological airbrushing. Read more

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