
Friday, March 01, 2013

Fraud complaint filed in Tanzania archbishop's election

Claim American money used to buy election

Supporters of Archbishop Valentino Mokiwa today have filed a complaint alleging the 21 Feb 2013 vote to elect an archbishop and primate for the Anglican Church of Tanzania was marred by fraud.

The lay and clergy members of the synod who brought the complaint have asked the House of Bishops to set aside the election and remove the ACT’s General Secretary Dr. Dickson Chilongani and its Registrar Prof. Palamagamba Kabudi, from office. They claim that 8 constitutional violations occurred in the voting including the casting of four extra votes in an election that challenger, the Bishop of Mpwapwa Jacobo Chimeledya, won by three votes. Charges have also been raised that money from the Episcopal Church in the USA was used to buy the votes of some delegates, enticing them to vote for Bishop Chimeledya.

However, supporters of the archbishop-elect have denied the charges of misconduct, claiming that it was Archbishop Mokiwa who used foreign money to secure support from the electors. Archbishop Mokiwa did not respond to request for comments while the archbishop-elect could not be reached as of our going to press. Read more

Also read
Charges of TEC-Related Fraud and Bribery Filed Re: Election of Tanzanian Primate

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