
Friday, March 01, 2013

Supreme Court urged to leave marriage definition to the states

Urging the Supreme Court not to legalize gay marriage for all 50 states, supporters of California Prop 8 say in a court brief that opposite-sex couples' unique ability to procreate -- thus benefiting society by "creating and nurturing the next generation" -- provides states with a rational reason to define marriage in the traditional sense.

The 65-page opening brief by -- the official proponents of Prop 8 -- asserts that children need a mother and a father, and it even quotes President Obama, a supporter of gay marriage, as he underscored the need for fathers in children's lives.

The Supreme Court will hear two cases March 26-27 that could either affirm the historical definition of marriage or legalize gay marriage for the entire nation. One case concerns a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act that defines marriage for the federal government, while the other case involves Prop 8, a 2008 state constitutional amendment that defined marriage as between a man and a woman. It is the Prop 8 case that could lead to the most wide-sweeping ruling, potentially wiping out similar constitutional amendments and laws in 41 states -- and, overnight, legalizing gay marriage. Currently, only nine states recognize gay marriage. The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals overturned Prop 8. Read more

Also read
Obama Administration to File Brief in Supreme Court Prop 8 Case
Corporations urge Supreme Court to embrace gay marriage
Clint Eastwood Signs Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Brief

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