
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

How to Keep the Small Groups You Start

Right now at Saddleback Church we are in the thick of it! We are finishing up our “Live Your Calling” Campaign; a Campaign that launched over 3,000 new small groups. Yup, you are reading the correct! Praise God and oh my Lord we need your help!!! This is been the most successful Campaign at Saddleback in the 15 years I have been their Small Groups Pastor. Right now at the height of the Campaign we have 7,018 adult small groups! If you don’t know what a Campaign is, click HERE.

So what has helped Saddleback Churches small groups sustain over these past 15 years to increase from 260 adult small groups to 4,587 adult small groups (this number is prior to the Campaign)? Some of it is learning in the moment and some is trail and error, but most of it is by God’s grace! As a small group pastor for over 25 years now, (hurts to even say that!) what I have learned is that it is easier to start groups than sustain them. Every year we face the same situation, how do we hold onto all that God creates? (this is a great problem to have!) Just like you, we use many opportunities to start small groups throughout the year, but none is more challenging than when we have a Campaign.

Regardless of how you start groups, retention is the key.

The New Year is often a time when we all start groups. But like many new years resolutions that fall away in March, if you are not prepared and supported, all those small groups you started will fade away like so many New Years Resolutions. So how do you hold on, retain and sustain the groups you start?

Here are a few things to keep in mind as you think retention! Read more

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