
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What to Do When People Pull the “God Card”

You’ve heard it many times and so have I, “The Lord told me . . .” And that response is supposed to quiet the critics or explain some bold (or crazy) leap of faith.

“The Lord told me I married the wrong person and that I am to divorce my wife and marry so and so.”
“God told me to quit my job and start an Internet business.”

“Jesus is calling me to Bora Bora as a missionary.”

Despite the fact that the Bible is clear about how God feels about divorce, what they “heard from God” trumps everything in their opinion.

Regardless of the reality that the guy starting a new business has zero financial savvy or business experience, because “God told him” we’re suppose to smile and jump on board.

Because “God has called them” we’re expected to get behind the people wanting to go to the mission field and ignore the truth that they have no formal training. We’re supposed to disregard that fact that the only experience they’ve had as a missionary was a short-term trip to Mexico.

Now read this next part carefully, I do believe God still speaks. I know the value of that “still small voice” of the Spirit. Many times, I have personally “heard the Lord” in my heart giving me direction. Biblically and historically, those who’ve heard God call them to something way beyond themselves have done many amazing things.

So let me be clear: I believe in listening to and following the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

But I also know that many foolish things have been done in the name of the Lord. I’ve seen lives, families, and ministries destroyed because something unwise and wrong was executed under the “Thus Saith the Lord” banner.

So are there any guidelines we should challenge people to follow when they think they’ve heard from God?

Are there some Biblical safeguards that we all should exercise when we think the Lord has spoken to us?

And what can you say to someone who pulls the God card as if that’s the end of the conversation?

Good questions. Great questions!

Here are some things to consider....Read more

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