
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Recent Rioting in Pakistan Evidence of More Islamization, Says Christian Ministry Worker

A Christian ministry worker who encourages and equips believers and the local church inside Pakistan to face persecution, said that the recent rioting against a Christian colony in Lahore, in which 150 homes were burnt, was further evidence of increased Islamization in the country.

"The event did not come as a surprise to the residents of the area called Badami Bagh, in which there is a smaller colony called the Joseph Colony where Christians live," Hana, whose real name was not given for her protection, told The Christian Post earlier this week.

Even though Pakistan's National assembly condemned the action, Hana said it will take more than a proclamation by the government to help curb the problem. "To have a government that would be strong to root out extremism would be fantastic. That would be an answer to prayer, but the truth is our problem happened in the 70s and 80s when Islamization came and got a foothold in the country," she explained. "The government was soft to it at the time and the seed was planted then and now we are just seeing the fruit of that.

"We are seeing the face of that in the form of extremism. The events of Sept. 11 (2001) really did spiral and [Muslim extremists] did capitalize and we began to see the face of it in a whole new way in Pakistan," she said. Read more

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