
Thursday, March 14, 2013

What Is God's Will for My Life?

David Platt on a how to stop wondering about the answer and start living it.

quite possibly the most commonly asked question in Christianity today: What is God's will for my life? We have questions and face decisions all the time, and we find ourselves constantly wondering about God’s will in them.

Some decisions are small and seem less significant. What book should I read this month? Do we want Mexican? Chinese? Burgers? Italian?

Other questions involve large, life-altering decisions. Should I date? If so, whom should I date? Should I go to college? If so, where? What should I major in? What career path should I choose? Should I marry? If so, whom should I marry? Should we have kids? If so, how many kids? Where should I live? How should I live? Read more

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