
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Arguments Heard Today in German Homeschoolers Deportation Case

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit heard arguments Tuesday in a case, Romeike vs. Holder, that could grant or revoke asylum for the Romeike homeschooling family. If the Romeikes lose, they could be deported back to Germany, where the state threatened to take their children away from them if they did not send them to public school.

Though the Romeikes – Uwe (the father), Hannelore (the mother) and their six children – were granted asylum in 2010, the federal government is trying to revoke that asylum arguing, in part, that parents do not have a fundamental right to choose the type of education their children receive.

The Romeikes are defended by the Home School Legal Defense Association, which also helped them initially move to the United States and obtain asylum. Read more

Also read
Homeschoolers' request for asylum questioned by judges
German homeschoolers face harassment, jail

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