
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Why I am Still A Christian

It was a long time ago. I had become dissatisfied with my life’s direction and that of the friends in my social circle. In my early twenties I began to attend a church and thankfully found the minister’s message and the congregation’s welcome deeply encouraging. I began for the first time to read the Bible. One day I attended a lunch hour service in St Andrew’s Cathedral where the speaker, Dr Howard Guinness spoke on John 6.37. That’s where Jesus said, ‘Whoever comes to me I will in no wise cast out’. I prayed a prayer in which I told Jesus I was ‘coming’ to him. That was in 1957.

I could now go on and say that life had been easy ever since, one green light after another. I have indeed been blessed with a wonderful marriage, a loving family and a satisfying life’s work, but there have been challenges to my life as a Christian. Let me mention four. Read more

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