
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Church of England drives forward with women bishops

The Church of England has published new proposals to enable women to become bishops.

The Women in the Episcopate report sets out a timetable for the legislative process to be wrapped up by November 2015.

It comes after the defeat of draft legislation on women bishops at the General Synod last year despite a majority voting in favour. There were emotional scenes after the legislation fell because it could not obtain the necessary two-thirds majority in each of the three houses.

The new proposals contain four options to be considered at the July General Synod in York. There are also provisions for traditionalists who cannot in conscience accept women bishops.

The House of Bishops is hoping that debates on the new legislation will be held at the November meeting of the General Synod. Read more

Also read
Church of England Plans to Have Female Bishops by 2015

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