
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Churches to have 'hard discussion' about Scouts

With the decision Thursday (May 23) to open the Boy Scouts of America membership to homosexual youth, the 70,000 faith-based organizations, including many churches, that have championed the virtues of "duty to God" and moral straightness by sponsoring local troops must decide whether to cut ties with the Scouts or continue their association with evangelistic outreach in mind.

Of the 100,000 chartered Scouting units in the United States, 70 percent are sponsored by faith-based organizations. Some took decisive stands against loosening membership standards, while leadership from other church groups voiced murkier positions. Numerous Southern Baptist leaders voiced opposition to the policy change.

Church leaders said the decision of affiliation with the Boy Scouts would be made at the local level. Read more

Also read
New: Will there be a ‘mass exodus’ of religious groups from the Scouts?
The Boy Scouts fall to political correctness
GLAAD Pushes Boy Scouts to Now Lift Ban on Openly Gay Leaders, Volunteers
LDS Church Accepts New Boy Scout Policy on Gay Members
Megachurch Pastor Says Evangelicals Will Likely Turn to Boy Scout Alternatives

1 comment:

  1. [Check out what I saw on the net.]

    BSA Prez's Faith Promotes Porn !

    by Aaronita Smith

    Yes, the religion of BSA Pres. Wayne Perry (who's been behind gay Boy Scouts) actually promotes illustrated MALE porn!
    Scholars, including Mormon ones, know of a hard-core porn sketch in the Mormon-approved "Book of Abraham."
    This Book is part of the "Pearl of Great Price" which, along with the "Book of Mormon," is LDS-authorized scripture.
    Figure 7 in Facsimile 2 in "Abraham" shows two beings facing each other. Joseph Smith described them as the "Holy Ghost" and "God" (the Father), the latter showing an erect male sex organ.
    Mormons were offended when Smith's newspaper published this sketch in 1842, so the phallic part was whited out for a century until the "restored" LDS church restored the X-rated drawing in 1981!
    LDS scholars have hushed up the fact that the "Book of Abraham" is not about the biblical Abraham but actually portrays ancient Egyptian documents showing occult obscene sketches.
    Those scholars also know that Smith fraudulently altered them so that he could (blasphemously) portray the Christian trinity as sex fiends in order to promote polygamy among his followers!
    For more info see "Book of Abraham" (Wikipedia). And check out the Tanners' "Mormonism - Shadow or Reality?" which reproduces the original Egyptian sketches Smith plagiarized and exploited. Also Yahoo or Google "Facts From Mormons (By a Utah Resident)," "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up," "The Background Obama Can't Cover Up," and "USA - from Puritans to Impure-itans."
