
Saturday, May 18, 2013

Florist, told she must do gay wedding, sues

A florist who was told by the state of Washington she must provide her services for a gay wedding is countersuing the state, saying she has served gay customers her entire career and is concerned the state's position on gay weddings will harm religious freedom.

The countersuit by Arlene's Flowers came weeks after Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson sued the florist when its owner, Barronelle Stutzman, declined to design a wedding floral arrangement for a longtime customer who is gay. Washington legalized gay marriage last year.

The countersuit, filed by the group Alliance Defending Freedom, says Stutzman has employed gay people and happily served gay customers, including the gay man, Robert Ingersoll, who wanted the floral arrangement. But her Christian faith precludes her from providing her services to a gay wedding, the countersuit says.

"Arlene's Flowers has never refused to sell flowers to someone simply because of sexual orientation," the countersuit says. "But because of Barronelle Stutzman's Christian faith, she cannot as a matter of conscience participate in or facilitate a same-sex wedding by using her creative skills to personally craft floral arrangements to decorate the wedding. The Attorney General's attempt to use state law to compel her and Arlene's Flowers to do so violates the state and federal constitutions."  Read more

Also read
Washington Florist Who Refused to Make Same-Sex Wedding Decorations Countersues
This is an example of the wider impact of the legalization of same sex marriage.

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